
Takeover Your Week: Departure From Egypt, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week, where the awesome Power in the Word positions you and your household, for a rewarding and fulfilled exploits. The journey through this 18th week of year 2023, shall add extraordinary value to you and your household, in Jesus name. Text:Joshua 24:4-6 And I gave unto Isaac Jacob and Esau: and I gave unto Esau mount Seir, to possess it; but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt. I sent Moses also and Aaron, and I plagued Egypt, according to that which I did among them: and afterward I brought you out. And I brought your fathers out of Egypt: and ye came unto the sea; and the Egyptians pursued after your fathers with chariots and horsemen unto the Red sea. Emi si fun Isaaki ni Jakobu ati Esau: mo si fun Esau li òke Seiri lati ní I; Jakobu pẹlu awọn ọmọ rẹ̀ si sọkalẹ lọ si Egipti. Mo si rán Mose ati Aaroni, mo si yọ Egipti lẹnu, gẹgẹ bi eyiti m

Takeover Your Week : Your Presence Shall Confuse The Adversaries, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome  to the weekly exhortation and prayers, Takeover Your Week , where the awesome Power in the Word, positions you and your household for a rewarding and fulfilled exploits weekly. As we proceed on the journey through the 17th week of year 2023, a promising year, loaded with hopes and opportunities. Nevertheless, as young as the year is, some hopes have been dashed, while several opportunities have been amputated. As you read this, I pray for you and your household, your hopes and opportunities this year, shall not be interrupted, in Jesus name. Text for the week is Genesis 45:3 ★ And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence. ★ Josefu si wi fun awọn arakunrin rẹ̀ pe, Emi ni Josefu; baba mi wà sibẹ̀? awọn arakunrin rẹ̀ kò si le da a lohùn; nitori ti ẹ̀ru bà wọn niwaju rẹ̀ Joseph’s arrival in Egypt was sudden and unexpected, he was not planning a

Tributes To 8 Celestial Icons And Pioneers Of Overseas Missionary Exploits, By AKO

  The meteoric rise and phenomenal spread of Celestial Church Of Christ, from a very humble background at Makoko, a suburb of the City of Lagos, Nigeria, in the West African axis of the Great Continent of Africa, was initiated by the Holy Spirit, in the late 1960s. Like every move of God, that are usually preceded by divine promises, the expectation was justified, while the manifestation was hugely anticipated. Prior to the year 1968, a Prophetic Word came from the Lord, that the Sun (Glory) of Celestial Church Of Christ, shall rise World Wide. Indeed, the month of April,1968 marked the beginning of the manifestation of this remarkable promise. The seeds of global dominion of the household of faith, called Celestial Church Of Christ, were graciously planted in England, United Kingdom. According to a 1978 article by a seasoned Journalist, G.M.O. Coker of blessed memory, (Pioneer Branch Patron of Harton Street Branch,UK), published in the defunct Church Quarterly Journal, Christian Vo

O Lord! Make Me Unstoppable This April, By AKO

  Beloved, you are welcome to Spiritual Warfare Engagement Series, where faith and Prayers work wonders. By this Message and inspired Prayers, you and your household shall become unstoppable this Month, in Jesus name. The Bible texts for today’s Message and Prayers are taken from 2 Kings 2:8 and 14: ★ And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground. ★ And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? And when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over. The God of Elijah employs fire, as a weapon of spiritual warfare. He is the unstoppable God, who moves by fire. He makes way where there is no way. With him, nothing is impossible this April. This new month, the fire of God shall consume every obstacle on your path, in Jesus name. On the journey of divine encounter

Tragedy Of Failure To Stand On The Rock Part 2, By AKO

This is the continuation of part 1 of the above lecture, delivered to a global audience in a virtual conference organized by the Council Of Shepherds And Church Workers, Celestial Church Of Christ, Diocese of the United States of America.  Use the link below to access part 1 of the lecture: The Need For Ministers To Stand On The Rock : Christian Ministers and Workers in the Vineyard are representatives of the Lord, functioning in their respective spheres of Calling and influence, within the body of Christ. That is why they are called men and women of God. As a man or woman of God, the foundation of your Ministerial Calling is expected to be the Lord himself, a sure foundation that never fails. Standing on the Rock, you can never fall nor sink, in the turbulent waters of the Ministry. Joshua’s Calling as a Minister and the charge mandating him to stand on the Word or the Rock, is relevant at this poi

Tragedy Of Failure To Stand On The Rock Part 1, By AKO

  This lecture was delivered on the 18th day of March, 2023, in an interactive virtual conference, organized by the Council Of Shepherds And Church Workers, Celestial Church Of Christ, Diocese of the United States of America. It involves a biblical examination of the theme of the Conference, Christ: Our Firm Foundation , with a view to discover the following: 1. The relevance of Jesus Christ as the only firm Ministerial foundation, in contemporary Christianity 2. The need for present and future Shepherds/ Ministers of the Gospel and Church Workers, to stand firmly on the Rock . INTRODUCTION : The text for this lecture is taken from the book of 1 Peter 1:25 ★ But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Our Lord Jesus Christ, is the eternal Word that endures from everlasting to everlasting, as indicated above. He is the enduring Word of faith and the awesome Word of life, that sustains the Household of Faith. The gospel o

Tributes To Missionary Amazon At 80: Beatrice Adedoyin Okuneye, By AKO

The Missionary Amazon   Among the living icons of faith in contemporary Christendom, is the servant of God and a Celestial legend, Prophet(Dr) Paul Olowaremilekun Okuneye JP. Venerable Superior Evangelist. The iconic Ministerial exploits of the Missionary Prophet is incomplete, without the encouragement and supportive role of the Missionary Amazon. She provided the necessary stable and conducive atmosphere, required for efficient and functional Ministry, at the home front and at every mission field, where they served together as Ministerial Partners, to advance the Work of God. This is a deserving tribute to a submissive and supportive Matriarch of faith, who sacrificially left behind her thriving Career, in pursuit of a joint Calling, with the legend of Faith in our time. We join the Missionary Prophet, family, friends and well wishers globally, as they celebrate the goodness and grace of God upon the Missionary Amazon, on the auspicious occasion of her 80th birthday anniversary, s