Fire Prayers For Supernatural Access By Adegboyega Okuneye


Every year comes with benefits ordained by the King of kings for his true children, those who seek him while he is near and worship him in spirit and truth. 

It is a huge tragedy, to go through the year weekly and monthly, without significant access to the benefits therein. 

Of course, there are instances of people traversing from decade to decades without visible access to available benefits. 

I declare by the Word of the Lord, powers mandated to disconnect you and your house, from the benefits of this year, shall be wasted by fire in Jesus name.

Unknown to many, while others elect to not believe, God is a supply specialist, who derives Joy in overloading his true children with benefits everyday, as the psalmist confirmed in psalm 68:19 as follows: 

Blessed be the Lord our God, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation(KJV).  

By the word of the Lord, your daily supplies from heaven, shall not fail in Jesus name. 

Regardless of these supplies daily, many do not have access, it is this ugly and unpalatable trend that moved the Lord in his mercy to inspire this message, to meet the needs of those whose access to benefits has been cut off by the adversary. 

For those in the above category, this is a word from the Lord, to you and your house, the red sea separating you from your benefits is drying by fire, in Jesus name.

To possess divine benefits in an atmosphere of negative spiritual contention, you need supernatural access. 

Beyond the red sea was a land flowing with milk and honey, a divine benefit handed to Israel as a prize for their freedom. 

God created supernatural access through the sea amidst hopelessness induced by the red sea ahead and the pursuing hosts of Egyptians at the rear, as indicated in Exodus 14:21-22. 

By the hand of Moses, God divided the red sea for Israel to crossover on dry ground (KJV). 

l see the proud waters ahead of you dividing supernaturally for your access to greatness, in Jesus name.

Note also that only those who are candidates in the school of supernatural access this year and decade are unstoppable by the hosts of wickedness. By this message you too can enroll by choice without a fee. 

Similarly, it is a futile effort to rely on the arms of flesh for access, as human wisdom and/or connection will disappoint those relying on them for access to the benefits of this year and decade. For by strength shall no man prevail. 

But for supernatural access, the fleeing Israelites could have suffered a devastating defeat at that red sea encounter. 

To deal decisive blows on the stoppers preventing access to benefits all you require is supernatural access through them. 

I see you receiving power from on high to stop the stoppers in Jesus name. 

Manifestations Of Stoppers In The Bible:

In Genesis 48:17-19 Ephraim as a young child encountered custom and tradition as stoppers, when his father protested and sought to remove the right hand of Jacob from his head while receiving generational benefits. 

Jacob enforced supernatural access on behalf of Ephraim when Joseph declared! My father not so, this is the first born, put your right hand on him. Jacob insisted that the younger will be greater than the first born.

I command the oil of supernatural access upon you and your house in Jesus name.

In 1Samuel 1 barrenness was entrenched to stop the fruitfulness of Hannah, to make her lived and die childless. However, she petitioned God for supernatural access through the stopper, and received her testimony. 

Your testimonies are next in line in Jesus name. 

In the Gospel of Mark 5:25-34, protracted sickness was mandated to stop a sister for a lifetime, however, after twelve years of failed investment in medical options, an encounter with the edge of the Lords’ garment gave her supernatural access to healing. 

I decree upon you, sickness shall not stop you in Jesus name. 

In John 5:5, a man was stopped by paralysis for 38 excruciating years awaiting the moving of the pool, each time there was angelic visitation to the pool, others overtook him in the race for access to healing. 

However, on a day like this the Lord visited the pool and knowing that he had been long in that condition, commanded him to carry his bed and walk. Just a word from the Lord gave him supernatural access to healing. 

Today a word from the Lord is giving you and your house supernatural access in Jesus name. 

From the foregoing, it is abundantly clear that God does not and could not do anything in vain, as indicated in the book of Isaiah 55:10-11 where it is written as follows: 

The Word (actions) of God is like rainfall that could not return to the sky, without nourishing the earth. And His Word shall not return to Him void without accomplishing its purpose.  

Surely, as you believe it, the Word of God shall prosper in your life and family for supernatural access in Jesus name. 

Spiritual power is a legitimate process for the enforcement of divine promises. 

He promised Israel freedom from bondage, it was spiritual power that eliminated the evil resolve of Pharaoh to stop the promised freedom. 

All evil enterprises, positioned to stop your advancement, are nullified by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 

Spiritual power broke Joseph out of the prison and set him on the throne in the land of his oppression. 

I see you reigning over your oppressors in Jesus name.  

All Bible characters that had access to greatness, including Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Jabez, David, Esther, Peter and Paul were all candidates in the school of spiritual Empowerment. 

Why You Need Spiritual Empowerment: 

To become unstoppable

To defy every impossibility

To succeed where others failed

To be accepted where others were rejected

To eliminate obstacles 

To emerge a winner in every positive competition 

To fly where others crawl 

To overtake those who left you behind 

To ensure that gates are not shut against you 

To enjoy spiritual Empowerment for supernatural access, be prepared to move from Saul to Paul, that is the heart of the matter, as only Jesus can save while God empowers. 

Prayer Points: 

1. My Father! Empower me and my house for greatness, in the name of Jesus. 

2. Gates of greatness, hear the word of the Lord, open to me and my house, in the name of Jesus.  

3. I receive power for supernatural access by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

4. Red sea of the wicked assigned to stop my access to testimonies, divide by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

5. By the power that divided river Jordan for Elijah and Elisha, power of God make way for me where there is no way, in the name of Jesus. 

6. Bulldozers of fire from heaven arise and make way for me by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

7. Every mountain of wickedness assigned to stop my access to greatness this year, you are a liar, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

8. O Lord I thank you for answering my prayers, in the name of Jesus.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you in the name the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. 

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God bless


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