Prevailing Prayers To Recover All By Adegboyega Okuneye

Restoration and Recovery are necessary requirements to correct and repair several situations and conditions confronting many lives at present. 

There are people who began this season with so many deficits, like David who returned to Ziklag as recorded in 1 Samuel 30 to meet an empty and burnt community, invaded by the enemies who took as captives the Children and their Mothers. 

What have you lost to the past? 

Perhaps you have lost good health, Jobs or business opportunities, relationships, positions or comfort and satisfaction. 

Cheer up as l bring to you the good tidings of Jesus Christ, who was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with Power, who went about doing good. 

This season the Lord is perfecting all that concern you and your household in Jesus name. 

Amid prevailing concerns regarding the deficits, losses, imperfections and discontents, l urge you to turn to God like David, who found himself in a similar situation upon his return to Ziklag, as his men and colleagues made up their minds to stone him for not foreseeing the losses and take proactive steps to avert them. 

Indeed, they lost all, with overwhelming emptiness to show on their arrival from a successful military expedition. 

While a bad situation was almost becoming a worst and terrible nightmare, David turned to the Lord as indicated in 1Samuel 30: 8 as follows:

And David inquired at the Lord, saying, shall l pursue after this troop? Shall l overtake them?  And he answered him. Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

This is a Word from the Lord, to you and your household, beginning from now recover your losses by fire, in Jesus name. 

With these 12 Prevailing Prayers, l see you and your household, pursuing, overtaking and recovering all, in Jesus name.  

Prayer Points:

1. I receive fire and power, to pursue, overtake and recover my lost portions, in the name of Jesus. 

2. My father clothe me with fire and power for conquest and dominion, in the name of Jesus. 

3. Blood of Jesus, come afresh upon me now, to overcome the wisdom of the wicked, in the name of Jesus. 

4. Dark powers invading the gardens of my life, enough is enough, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

5. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, l paralyze the evil altars providing refuge to evil invaders against me, in the name of Jesus. 

6. I command the arrows of fire of God, to pursue and destroy, the fleeing invaders of my portions, in the name of Jesus. 

7. All evil legs delegated against my comfort and satisfaction, axe of fire of God, amputate them now, in the name of Jesus. 

8. Evil hands robbing me of my portions, enough is enough, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.  

9. I arise by fire, l pursue and overtake the wicked fleeing with my benefits, in the name of Jesus. 

10. Anointing for perfect recovery and restoration, my life is available, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus. 

11. By the reason of the anointing, l pursue, overtake and recover all my lost portions, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Warehouses and strong rooms of the wicked, containing my benefits, hear the Word of the Lord, release them by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

Knowing that you are blessed by this message, l thank God for you. 

Kindly leave a comment, follow and share.

God bless


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