Strategies To Defeat Evil Troops And Walls By Adegboyega Okuneye

This year like others before and after it is a host to destructive operations of evil troops and walls on  merciless assignment to hinder, delay or stop living souls from attaining their goals. 

Many diligent and industrious goal getters will traverse the year without coming close to attaining their set targets or goals, courtesy of oppositions from evil troops and walls. 

These troops and walls are spiritual experts at denying and defeating practical steps to success and progress, if nothing was done to contain, decimate and eliminate their capacity to function. 

This is a significant spiritual issue that all prospective candidates of success and greatness must take seriously, to avert failure at the edge of approaching greatness. 

Evil troops are spiritual military personnel like their earthly counterparts, with comprehensive training and skills to engage, attack and kill designated targets with clinical precision. 

Agenda of the kingdom of darkness usually classify progress and greatness as designated enemy targets that must be wiped out annually by evil troops. 

Indeed they are enemies of progress whose mission against you this year must fail woefully in Jesus name. 

That is why you need spiritual strategies to engage, attack and destroy them decisively, with the strength and wisdom of God. 

Walls on the other hands, are enclosures of permanent nature, like concrete fences, built to regulate and control access to a given territory. 

The kingdom of darkness are busy daily building walls of limitations around progress and greatness to deny and deprive access to deserving souls. 

By the word of the Lord, this year, any wall erected to stop your progress, shall scatter by fire, in Jesus name. 

The psalmist was aware of this mystery of evil troops and walls, including their negative impacts on destiny fulfilment. 

To address the issues involved, Psalm 18:29 declares: 

For by thee have l run through a        troop; and by my God have l leaped over a wall”.(KJV) 

This year, l see you running through the troops and leaping over the walls into greatness, in Jesus name. 

At this point pray this with holy anger: 

By the strength of the living God, I defeat every evil troop and walls on assignment against me this year, in the name of Jesus. 

This year, like the Israelites on a mission to takeover Jericho, many will encounter the walls erected to stop their quest for greatness and new beginning. 

As the wall of Jericho came down flat before Israel, no wall shall stop you from possessing your possessions, this year in Jesus name. 

It took a one man household evil troop to stop Abel unto death, as stated in Genesis 4:8. Household evil troops are on rampage this year to stop many from singing their songs and dancing their dances. 

Because you are reading this right now, you shall not end like Abel of old, in Jesus name. The fire of household troops shall not consume you, in Jesus name. 

Household troops plotted to terminate the life of Joseph, in order to kill his dream of greatness, upon failure in that regard, he was sold into slavery to useless his life.  

However, by divine intervention, Joseph arose from the ashes of betrayal by household troops to reign as prime minister over Egypt. 

You are rising like Joseph, from where the troublesome winds of household troops have blown you, into great prominence, in Jesus name.  

Strategies To Defeat Evil Troops And Walls: 

*Become a true child of God, no pranks.  

*Accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and Saviour

*Connect to spiritual energy in the word of God 

*Embrace holiness as a way of life 

*Apply the power in the blood of Jesus 

*Confront the opposition with fasting and fire prayers 

*Apply night vigils to enable you take the battle to their camps 

 *Where necessary seek deliverance at the right place.

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God bless


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