Warfare Prayers Against Spirit Of Haman By Dr D.K. Olukoya

Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry.

The spiritual Haman is the focus of today’s warfare prayers, his brutal threats against destiny fulfilment and how to prayerfully compel him to die by his own counsel. 

The spirit of Haman is a specialist at constructing instruments of deaths for uncompromising children of God. 

He is always on the lookout for those believers who have decided to follow the Lord without embracing any compromise in their Christian lives like the biblical Mordecai, in order to eliminate them. 

Haman is any power or personality that relishes the act of conspiracy to eliminate the children of God, because of their fervent faith and uncompromising stance on the Word. 

In this generation are several unsuspecting Mordecai under the watchful eyes of Haman, already marked out for elimination. 

However, here is a good news for every prayerful target of Haman, God has a dedicated and special mode of engaging and dealing with Haman and his lethal threats, beginning with the biblical Haman the system has not changed. 

God always permitted Haman to construct weapons of deaths for his children so that Haman himself and not the children of God is executed by his own device of death. 

In Esther 7:10, it is written thus: 

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. 

Similarly, in the book of Daniel 6:24, the Bible states: 

And the King commanded and they brought those men which had accused Daniel and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children and their wives. 

The threats of Haman like the above are dealt with by the principle of Divine substitution, which involves the process of destruction or death swallowing the initiators instead of the proposed targets.

By these prayers every evil conspiracy or gang up against you will swallow the conspirators and their collaborators by fire. 

Everyone who desires to crush the spirit of Haman must pray with holy violence to encounter the power of God that turns the table against the wicked by fire.  

Prayer Points: 

1. Every Haman monitoring my life and destiny for destruction, what are you waiting for? Destroy yourself by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

2. Weapons of death prepared against my life, I am not your candidate, kill your owners by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

3. You the wicked Haman after my life and destiny, your time is up! Kill yourself by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

4. Let the congregation of Haman in my family lines eliminate themselves by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

5. By fire by force, today my Haman must die in my place, in the name of Jesus. 

6. Like Mordecai instead of death by the weapon of Haman, I receive uncommon promotion by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

7. Let the Haman pursuing me become my stepping stone to the mountain top by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

8. O Lord I thank you for answering my prayers, in the name of Jesus.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

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God bless


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