21 Prophetic Declarations For September By Dr D.K. Olukoya


Today’s focus is the Prophetic Mantle for fruitfulness and victory by declarative utterances of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice anointed to set the captives free and deliver the oppressed.

These prophetic declarations are for those who desire to fulfill divine mandates in this new month. 

September is still fresh and it is most appropriate to speak prophetically to the womb of the new month, in order to takeover the Spiritual atmosphere of the month by fire. 

The Lord has ordained the power of life and death in our tongues, by extension in our mouths.

In Job 22:28, it is written:

For thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

As you takeover this September prophetically, surely, the light of God will shine upon your ways, in Jesus name.  

Prophecy is a release of supernatural power by God through the mouth of a mortal man, to generate visible manifestations in the physical world, as demonstrated in Ezekiel 37:4-10.

Why did you need prophetic declarations? 

To enforce the mind of God regarding His promises in a given season or time

To dictate the spiritual tempo in the realms of the Spirits in a given season or time

To align with Divine mandates and agenda for specific time and season 

To annul or cancel evil projections in the atmospheric spiritual nomenclature of a given season or time 

To render null and void the power of incarnations and enchantments, competing for dominion and authority over the spiritual atmosphere in a specific time and season 

To revoke evil sacrifices executed to capture the spiritual atmosphere in a specific time and season 

To disappoint the wicked whose refuge is the citadel of darkness in the realms of the spirits, from where they wreck havoc.

Remember Ecclesiastes 3:1, to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

If you refused to takeover the spiritual atmosphere of your time and season prophetically, other powers and evil personalities would certainly takeover on your behalves, without your consents or approvals. 

It is a huge spiritual tragedy to abdicate your spiritual responsibilities, thereby collaborating with the wicked to exercise evil dominion over your portions.  

One of the spiritual strategies to resist the devil and his agents, is the instrumentality of prophetic declarations, which have the potency and confirmed capacity to put them to flights. 

Do not overlook the biblical charge on resistance and putting the enemy to flight. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

The above reasons are the motivations for this spiritual exercise. 

To take maximum advantage of these declarations you must declare them with holy aggression and violent faith.

Prophetic Declarations:

1. In the name of Jesus Christ, as I declare these prophecies, I believe and receive the power in the Word into my spirit, body and soul, in Jesus name.  

2. This September, because the power of life and death is in my mouth, l speak life unto myself and I speak destruction to the weapons of my adversaries and the powers behind them, in Jesus name. 

3. This month, the name of Jesus Christ is my authority over all the powers of darkness assigned against me,, including Satan, in Jesus name. 

4. As I make these declarations, I command that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow, of all things in heaven, all things in earth and all things beneath the earth, in Jesus name. 

5. As I speak the Word of God right now, I send it to run swiftly and become operational, to manifest and fulfill the purpose for which I send it, in Jesus name. 

6. Right now, I command the Word to go forth, in Jesus name. 

7. I believe that Jesus Christ has defeated Satan and delivered me from this present evil world, in Jesus name.  

8. This September, Jesus has set me free indeed and I am free indeed, in Jesus name. 

9. This month, Jesus Christ has delivered me from all the powers of darkness, from principalities, powers, dominion and all the forces of darkness, in Jesus name.  

10. This September, the devil has no more dominion over me, in Jesus name. 

11. This month, because I am in Jesus Christ, there is no condemnation for me, in Jesus name. 

12. This September, I handover all my battles to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Jesus name. 

13. This month, I send the wrath of God to pour like water upon all my adversaries, in Jesus name. 

14. This month, the Lord will avenge me of all my adversaries, in Jesus name. 

15. This September, God has equipped  and made me a danger and a terror to all my adversaries, in Jesus name. 

16. This September, I am an overcomer and a victor in all circumstances and situations, in Jesus name. 

17. This month, I am a container for the fire of the Holy Ghost and the power of God resides in me, in Jesus name. 

18. This month, because I am a child of God, I dwell in the secret place of the most high, under the shadow of the Almighty, in Jesus name. 

19. This September, I send destruction to every gathering of the wicked assigned against me, in Jesus name. 

20. This month, my God as the Consuming fire will consume every wickedness assigned against me, in Jesus name. 

21. Oh Lord I thank you for establishing these declarations by fire, in Jesus name.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share. 

God bless


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