Sections Of A Single Writing That Became Five Books In The Bible, By eldgboye


The first five books of the Bible known collectively as the Torah or the Pentateuch, according to biblical history began their journey to generational global fame and authority, as one single writing about 1688 BC., with the composition of the first section by Moses, the man of God. 

The narration was an inspired complete story line, which began at creation, in the present book of Genesis 1:1, climaxing at the making of the covenant at Mount Sinai, in the book of Exodus and was concluded by the theological exposition of the covenant by Moses, in the book of Deuteronomy, as postulated by erudite Bible scholars, in the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary and the Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. 

Historical evidence indicates that the single narration of five sections, was divided into five books, for ease of reference, readability and manageability of the scrolls, about the second century BC., by the 70 Bible scholars who translated the Oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament; known as the Septuagint: a title meaning the “70”. 

At present, the title names of each of the five books are of Greek origin, having found their way into the English Bible, through the Latin Vulgate, the legitimate successor to the Greek Septuagint.

The present names of the five books and their meanings, for the benefits of aspiring students of the Bible are as follows:  

• Genesis, (Greek geneseos) “generation, origin” 

• Exodus, “going out” 

• Leviticus, Levitical cultic system 

• Numbers, Numbering of the tribes 

• Deuteronomy, “Second law” 

Similarly, the title names of the original sections in Hebrew language and their meanings, according biblical history are as follows: 

• Bere'shith, “In (the) Beginning” 

• We'elleh shemoth, “These are the names” 

• Wayyiqra, “And He Called” 

• Bemidbar, “In the Desert” 

• Elleh hadde barim, “These are the Words” 

However, inspired by the teachings of Martin Luther, the Germans and Scandinavians, refer to the five books as follows: 

• 1st Moses 

• 2nd Moses 

• 3rd Moses 

• 4th Moses  

• 5th Moses 

These names were applied to reflect the Mosaic authorship of the writings.

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