Steps To Christian Leadership, By eldgboye


Leadership is the act of leading a group or class of people, in pursuit of a common goal or a set of goals. It is a relationship between two or more persons, affiliated by a common purpose. 

J. Oswald Sanders, in the book titled Spiritual Leadership, defined leadership as follows: 

“Leadership is influence” a definition supported by the erudite scholar on leadership, Dr John C. Maxwell, as the best and most appropriate definition of leadership. 

Similarly, a description of leadership by Dr John C. Maxwell, an authority on leadership and the author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership and The Maxwell Leadership Bible, indicates the following:

The first law of leadership is this, “Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness”. 

In addition, Rick Joyner in the book titled LEADERSHIP THE POWER of a CREATIVE LIFE, defined leadership as: 

The ability to mobilize others to accomplish a common goal”.  

From the above descriptions of leadership, it is clear that leadership is a relationship based concept, involving two or more persons, comprising of the leader(s) and the follower(s), where the leader occupies a position of influence, effectiveness and coordination among the followers. 

Following the preceding inferences, every person in a relationship falls into either of two categories, the leadership or the followers.

The need for quality leadership can not be overemphasized in every relationship, particularly at home, the Church, specialized groups and the Society at large. 

This writing is intended to equip aspiring leaders navigating their ways through godly and legitimate enterprise, to the various leadership positions in Christendom.

The challenge of leadership is evolving daily within and without the Church, therefore, the need for quality leadership will always arise and with this information, prospective and aspiring leaders will fast track their ways to the top faster than expected. 

The Maxwell Leadership Bible, at page 1518, indicated that the fastest way to become a leader, is to master the intricacies of problem solving, as it takes a problem solver to prevent things from going awry, people from going astray and plans from going amiss. 

Asserting further, that the person with the solutions always, becomes the cynosure of all eyes, as attention and attraction are towards him or her. 

Characteristics Of A Problem Solver: 

1. Anticipation of challenges. 

When you anticipate problems, you will not be caught napping, as you are always prepared and ready with likely solutions. 

Failure to prepare for challenges before their manifestations, is simply preparation for a failed response and solution.

2. Be realistic about challenges. Never underestimate nor overestimate challenges, to enable you deal appropriately with them. 

Underestimated problems are engaged with inadequate response, leading to failed engagements and solutions, while overestimated problems are confronted with excess energy and resources.

3. Always see the big picture. Amid challenges, you must always see the ultimate goals, beyond the problems. 

While King Saul and his military generals saw and focused on the raging mass before them, David saw beyond the massive Goliath and he solved the problem. 

4. Avoid preoccupations with many things at a time. Concentration and focus are lost to a divided attention. Take a goal at a time, focus and concentrate on it, soon success becomes your reward. 

5. Tenacity. 

Persistence never give up on any major goal, when accomplishment is elusive. Persistent engagements are key factors in the success of every successful leader. Obstacles usually crumble before persistent attempts. 

To become a leader you must be delighted at providing solutions to people oriented challenges, expect challenges and be proactive with solutions. 

You must equally master the techniques of problems assessment to avoid either overestimation or underestimations. 

Develop the discipline of focusing on the Big picture always, especially amid challenges.

Every emerging leader should apply the above principles in his or her sphere of influence and share the efficacy or otherwise with us, you will be glad you did.

Your informed contributions are welcome at the section on comments, do not hesitate to send them across. 

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