The Prophetic Fallow Ground In This Dispensation By Prophet (Dr) Paul O. Okuneye

Welcome to excerpts from Global Exploits Of A Missionary Prophet, by Prophet Paul O. Okuneye. A timely and relevant counsel to present and emerging leaders and Prophets in contemporary Christendom.

What is a fallow ground?    

Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, at page 888, column 1paragraph 3, describes a fallow ground as that which has been plowed but not sown; ground not in use; idle ground crusted over and harden, until it needs to be broken up again to receive the seed. 

It equally refers to an unwilling and unyielding will or unbroken hearts of men, that are unable to receive the seeds of the Word of God. Indicating that without the willingness to receive and obey the Word of God, seeking (or serving) Him is a vanity, an effort in futility.

Matthew Henry’s Commentary On The Whole Bible, at page 1175, column 1 paragraph 4, describes fallow ground in the context of Hosea 10:12 as follows:

A heart filled with corrupt affections and lusts, representing weeds and thorns on the unused ground.

Unrepentant and unbroken spirit. Unpreparedness to receive the Divine precepts as unplowed ground unable to receive the seed, that may take root

Similarly, the author at page 972, column 3 paragraph 5, of the Commentary cited above, referred to a fallow ground in the context of Jeremiah 4:3 as follows:

An unconvinced, un humbled heart is like a fallow ground, an untilled and unoccupied ground, a virgin and unimproved ground. A ground capable of improvement. Similar to unexploited opportunity lying in waste. Unfruitful and profitless ground.

Like a corrupt heart (mind), a ground overgrown with thorns and weeds.

A heart (mind) filled with corruption, which as thorns choke personal endeavors and expectations

Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, at page 553, column 1 paragraph 2, defines a fallow ground as follows:

Virgin soil that has not recently been planted. Uncultivated covenant values of righteousness and steadfast love.

Worn out fields of unrighteousness (symbolized by thorns).

Unproductive ground as opposed to the fertile ground of covenant living.

From the foregoing efforts, at understanding a fallow ground Biblically, a common theme among the submissions are the following:

★ A neglect or intentional abandonment of Divine Covenants.

★ Unwillingness to receive the Word of God.

★ Unpreparedness to let go of Sinfulness. 

★ State of unpreparedness to return to God by Prayer, Repentance and Reformation. 

In view of the above inferences, the next focus of the lecture is to examine the Prophetic Ministry, with a view to discover existing fallow grounds, if any, requiring the operations of Holy Ghost bulldozers and tractors.

Who is a Prophet?

A Prophet/Prophetess is non of the following:

★ An angel

★ A spirit 

★ A Monster

★ Half man/half monster

★ An invisible personality

A Prophet, according to Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, at page 730, column 4, paragraph 3, is either a Naba who makes supplication, prays and predicts future events or a Nabi who is primarily a Preacher of Righteousness for his day, while he foresees future events in the light of the Righteousness or Wickedness of the people of God.

His main duty is to urge men to live righteously and godly, according to the Divine Covenants and not a declarer of future events. However, he warns the people of events to come, regarding their attitude concerning the will of God. He equally prays and makes supplication for the people and for God to be merciful. 

Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary at page 1333, column 2 paragraph 2, defines a Prophet as a person who receives and declares a word from the Lord through a direct prompting of the Holy Spirit. 

Similarly, the Prophet’s Hand Book at page 394, refers to a prophet as a spokesperson for a deity; one who invokes the gods. In addition, the Prophet’s Dictionary, at page 398, paragraph 1066, defines a prophet as a divine functionary who serves as the spokes person for a deity.

From the above, the following inferences are deduced regarding a Prophet, namely:

The Prophet ( which term includes the Prophetess) is a human.

He is a Messenger without his own Message.

He conveys and delivers Messages sent through him by God.

He speaks on behalf of God.

God upholds his words to perform them.

He hears from God and tells others.

He preaches the gospels.

He gives warnings and rebukes as God directs.

He prepares people for heaven.

He submits to the Holy Spirit.

He seeks the face of God.

He inspires believers into positive actions.

He demonstrates the awesome power of God.

He gives directions to believers.

He sets the captives free.

He keeps the Church on the path of righteousness.

He brings hope to the hopeless.

He disciples and mentors upcoming prophets.

He confronts and overcomes powers of darkness.

He blesses, comforts, exhorts and edifies the Church.    

The Prophetic Ministry is the existing supernatural response of God, through the Church, to arrest and disgrace the rising and raging profile of evil supernatural, daily seeking to capture and extend its dominion over the earth and its inhabitants, regardless of the presence of the Church, which is daily becoming Powerless and fireless. 

The Secular World is gradually holding fast and firmly to the Church, using Money, Materialism, Humanism and Occultism to lure her into Spiritual Slumber.

To be continued in the next edition, watch out!
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