The Prophetic Fallow Ground In This Dispensation 2, By Prophet (Dr) Paul O. Okuneye

Continuation from the first edition.

The dominance of evil spiritual entities and operations in the realm of the spirit makes the existence of a vibrant and fire brand Prophetic Ministry a necessity in the present and future Christendom.

It takes the Prophets to See or Hear beyond the natural realm dominated by the five senses. The reality of the powers and personalities referred to by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12, and their penchants to trigger evil plans of action secretly, requires the operations of the Prophetic Mantle to discover and abort prayerfully.

A weak and powerless Prophetic Ministry populated by Prophets whose callings have become fallow grounds exposes the Church to the following:   

High risks of invasions by dark powers, occult, witchcraft and sorcery overtaking the Society including the Church.

Rising tides of demonism and Satanism making silent inroads into all segments of the Society including the Church.

False doctrines, teachings, perverted truths, humanism and worldliness gradually taking over the Church, the world and the young generations in particular.

Enticement by metaphysical knowledge and psychic enlightenment. 

Confusion regarding evil supernatural masquerading as spirit of God.

Confusion within the Family, Society and the Church regarding the mind of God on important decisions.

Deadness to spiritual desires and exploits. 

Promotion of carnality, ungodliness and wickedness. 


In the gospel of Matthew 7:21-23, the most terrible encounter that any child of God should not experience was recorded as follows: 

  ★ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 

★ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 

★  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The Will of God represents the cardinal expectation of God from every person, including the Prophets and Prophetess. Whatsoever a person does here on earth must be weighed on the scales of Gold's Will. Anything outside his Will is a disappointment before him, therefore, ensure that you do not disappoint God, you may fail everyone else, but it is a tragedy of life to fail God. 

Doing the will of God according to the Lord, is the qualification to enter the Kingdom of heaven as a Citizen. 

God expects the following from His Prophets and Prophetess:

Fear and honor Him sincerely. 

Submission to the leadership and control of Holy Ghost.

Live as dictated by the Holy Ghost.

Resist submission or obedience to your emotions.

Sensitivity to positive spirituality.

Avoidance of carnality.

Do not grieve the spirit of God.

Acknowledge and appreciate the goodness of God.

Flee from materialism.

Hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Be compassionate.

Spiritual mindedness.


Lifestyle of holiness.

Love and feed on the Word. 

The fallow ground in Prophetic Ministry is any area of your Calling as a Prophet or Prophetess, where you are failing or falling below or off the expectations of God for you in that Capacity. 

This is the exact timing of God for this writing and as a wakeup Call to every true Prophet or Prophetess of God for deep personal examination of your Calling and Standing in that Capacity, with a view to discover your fallow grounds and promptly kick start the process of breaking them. 

There are some whose Prophetic Mantles are Anointed for national and Global Exploits, who remained hidden by fallow grounds, with arms folded, this is your opportunity to breakup that fallow ground and take your place where God is expecting you, in Jesus name. 

Unknown to many, a fallow ground is an opportunity wasting away, allowing it in your Calling hinders your Prophetic Altitude as God is prepared to take you beyond where you considered as your highest point. 

He desires to add more influence to your Mantle beyond your physical garment. Every dynamic walk with God requires a fresh oil and fire, you also need a fresh oil and fire which the fallow ground has denied you for so long. 

Until Elijah repaired the altar of God on mount Carmel fresh fire did not fall, all you need to do is to break your fallow ground and encounter a fresh fire that will announce you to the world, in Jesus name. Take note, only one fire brand Prophet, will generate Global Revival.

Your fallow ground is that king Uzziah who must die to enable you enjoy uncommon open heaven in your Ministry. 

As it is written, in the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up was the testimony of Isaiah.  

By the decree of the Lord, receive Power to break your fallow ground, in Jesus name. 

Once you have taken the bold step to break up your fallow ground, remain bold and steadfast to ensure that fallow ground never resurrect in your Ministry, like Elijah be ready to go from glory to glory. 

Employ the gift of God in your life to Worship God, Bless mankind and Glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. 

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God bless


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