Fire Prayers Against Evil Arrows In This Day, By A.K. Okuneye


You are welcome to this edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you and your household, for a refreshingly victorious experience daily, in His Presence.

Each day is crucial and significant in the quest for destiny fulfilment and access to daily opportunities, with the attendant blessings. 

The wicked, unlike the children of God, has a clear understanding of this process, hence, the daily release of evil arrows that fly by day and night, targeting unsuspecting children of God. 

It is a spiritual risk to abandon your day to chance, without taking responsibility prayerfully to secure it and take absolute charge.

When you allowed arrows of the wicked in the spiritual atmosphere of your day unchallenged, either or all the following may occur, unless you intercept them by fire prayers like these:




Financial setbacks

Incurable diseases

Untimely death

It is for the reasons above that God takes personal interest in the security of his children, against successful invasions of the terror by night and the arrow that flies by day, as indicated in Psalm 91:5 as follows: 

Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day.

To enjoy divine security as promised above, you must prayerfully dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty everyday. 

Who needs these prayers? 

Everyone who desires to dwell in the secret place of the most high, under the shadow of the Almighty everyday

Those who desire unrestricted access to the opportunities of today  

When evil arrows are opposing your daily opportunities 

When arrows of the wicked are apparent in the spiritual atmosphere of your day 

When evil arrows eliminate opportunities in your daily life.  

By these prayers, you are taking over your today by fire, in Jesus name. 

These prayers will paralyze every arrow of the wicked in your day and any wickedness delegated against your daily opportunities will backfire, in Jesus name. 

Declare these prayers with holy violence to derive maximum benefits, and the God that answers by fire, will surely honor your voice, in Jesus name. 

Be sure of your Salvation before you take these prayers, if you were unsure, you are at liberty to surrender yourself now, by accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Congratulations for embracing Salvation. 

Prayer Points: 

1. O God my Father, I thank you for the gift of life amid this pandemic, in the name of Jesus. 

2. Thank you Lord, for being a sure refuge over me and my family always, in Jesus name. 

3. I receive power and grace to dwell in the secret place of the most high always with my family, in the name of Jesus. 

4. My household and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty everyday, in the name of Jesus. 

5. Arrows of infirmities, in the spiritual atmosphere of today, I am not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

6. Arrows of sorrow fired into this day, hear the Word of the Lord, l and my household are not your candidates, fire back to sender, in the name of Jesus. 

7. Arrows of disappointment operating today, my life and family are not your candidates, backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

8. Arrows of disfavor fired into my today, jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

9. Arrows of sluggish progress fired into this day, my household is not your candidate, fire back to sender, in the name of Jesus. 

10. Arrows of discomfort targeted against my life and family, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

11. Arrows of emptiness, my portion is not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Arrows of destiny paralysis operating today, my household and I are not your candidates, fire back by fire, in the name of Jesus.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share. 

God bless


  1. Amen Amen and Amen in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, thank you Father


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