Prevailing Prayers Against Spirit Of Fear, By A.K. Okuneye


The Vine's Concise Dictionary Of The Bible, at page 132, described fear as follows: 


To be afraid 

To dread 

To be scared

To be terrified 

Comparatively, according to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, at page 562, fear includes the following: 

A natural emotional response, to a real or imagined state of affairs, perceived as actual or constructive threats, to security, safety or general welfare of a person or group.

State of anxiety 

State of awe 

State of terror 

State of worry 

Words associated with fear in the Old Testament, appeared 435 times, while similar words in the New Testament, occurred 146 times. Altogether, words conveying the concept of fear in the Bible, appeared 581 times. 

As an emotional phenomenon, fear has two sides to it, the positive and the negative aspects. On the positive side, is the fear of God, that promotes submission and true repentance.  

The negative aspect on the other hand is discouraged by the Bible, by such statements as, fear not and the Lord has not giving unto you the Spirit of fear. 

The Children of God are charged to rise above the negative aspect of fear, in order to succeed in the walk of Faith and in the face of intimidating challenges of life. 

A relevant case was the admonition of God to Joshua upon succession as the leader of Israel, after the death of Moses, the Man of God, in Joshua 1: 6-7, be strong and of a good courage… only be thou strong and very courageous…

From the above admonition, it becomes crystal clear, that every candidate of greatness upon the face of the earth, must avoid fear generally, as the state of fear deprives a person, the ability to assess events and situations rationally, to enhance logical and informed choices, in decision making process, while confronted by intimidating challenges. 

Several anti greatness and purpose defeating decisions, were taken and executed, under intoxication by fear, real or imagined. However, there are three category of fear, that fundamentally stand as colossus, in the way of potential greatness, to abort it, namely:  

1. The fear of incapability 

The fear of incapability, is a vote of no confidence in one’s ability to achieve results. When candidates of greatness observed circumstances and situations around them and concluded with finality, due to fear, that they were incapable of succeeding at the attainments of set goals. 

The fear of incapability, activates the process of self defeat, that extinguished the zeal and enthusiasm, the necessary passions and derives required for  greatness in life. 

Remember the twelve (12) candidates of greatness selected by Moses, to search out the promised land as spies, which included Caleb and Joshua. 

The strategy was to discover the strength and weaknesses of the land, prior to the eventual invasion, takeover and occupation by the Israelites.  

Unfortunately, the fear of incapability stopped a whopping ten (10), out of the twelve candidates of greatness. I pray for you and your household, fear will not shut the gates of greatness against you, in Jesus name. 

See their majority reports, in Numbers 13:33. And there, we saw the giants, the Sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sights as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight. 

Note how the fear of incapability, inflated the perceived threats and its actual value. Indeed, fear always inflate the threats’ value of the challenges, while deflating your capacity and confidence for engagements and eventual victory. 

Ask yourself these questions if you are a candidate of greatness:     

       Am l in the firm grips of the fear of           Incapability?                       

       Am l like a grasshopper before the           massive challenges confronting         me?  

       Am l bold and confident of victory     over the threats to my greatness?

Your answers to the above, will determine your true identity as a candidate of greatness. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. 

Check the minority reports of Caleb and Joshua, in Numbers 14:9. 

Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is departed from them and the Lord is with us: fear them not. 

Friends, this minority reports was the catalyst for the invasions and conquests of the promised land, while the ten and their cohorts who rebelled against the Lord, never made it beyond the wilderness, only Caleb and Joshua made it to the promised land.

Brace up friends, confront and stop that fear, before it robs you of your well deserved greatness, like the ten spies. 

Like Caleb and Joshua, l see you tasting and enjoying a life time of greatness, in Jesus name. 

2. The Fear of the Unknown 

Candidates of greatness are known to set the pace, to blaze the trail for others to follow. Those who are intimidated by the unknown are incapable of blazing the trail or setting the pace. 

Today several candidates of greatness have been reduced to the roles and status of  trail seekers, seeking the paths where others have laid out, in order to join the band wagons. 

The Global corporate landscapes are filled with pacesetters and trail blazers, like Amazon, Alibaba, Facebook and Google, which all ventured in the directions where others have not being to. The Unknown is loaded with opportunities, awaiting the arrivals of great minds.  

The unknown is where the pioneers make their names and clean wealth. The fear of the unknown kills the zeal and drives for pioneering efforts, with the attendant glory and satisfaction. 

In the Lekki axis of Lagos, Nigeria, a story emerged some years back of how a female banker, wife and mother took a plunge into the unknown sphere of bakery facility in that axis. 

She observed the needs and decided to meet them, while the spouse was playing safe, due to the fear of the unknown. 

She promptly resigned her appointment and invested her severance benefits. A few years after, she had grown from just bread to pastries and her success stories hit the headlines.  

Similarly, fear of the unknown kept Joshua perpetually waiting for Moses, when it was apparent that he was no more. 

It took a personal motivation by God for Joshua to see the need, to crossover the Jordan river into the unknown, to prosecute the war of conquest and occupation of Canaan. 

God perceived his fears and charged him to, be strong and be of a good courage. 

Friends, l bid you to be strong and be of a good courage, while you take the bold steps into greatness. 

It is time to crossover that Jordan river, keeping you at bay. 

Perhaps the Lekki banker would have remained anonymous for ages among the Bankers in Lagos, but she took a plunge into the unknown, by just a step. 

What are you waiting for? Take that step into greatness, where you rightly belong. 

3. The Fear Of Setbacks (Failure) 

The truth is that every candidate of greatness must anticipate setbacks and prepare in advance, with a well coordinated response, to learn and overcome them. 

They are opportunities for new discoveries, in the quest to achieve set goals. Remember the saying no venture, no gain, only the investors could expect either profits or losses. 

Only those who make attempts and efforts to achieve set goals are those who could encounter setbacks. 

A great American inventor, reportedly failed ninety nine times, on a particular invention, on the one hundredth attempt, he succeeded. He did not allow the fear of setbacks to stop him, like others would.

The story of Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), is a classical example of greatness, attained by overcoming the fear of setbacks and setbacks themselves. 

He conquered the fear of setbacks to become one of the greatest inventors in the United States Of America and the World.  

As a Child, he could not fit into the elementary school’s’ system. 

Upon rejection by several schools, the mother decided to teach him at home. 

From Childhood, he was deaf in one ear and could hardly hear with the other. 

When his business was down, he sold candy, newspapers and vegetables on the train.  

From the above setbacks, Edison rose to greatness, with 1,093 patents in his name, including the phonograph, motion pictures camera and long lasting practical electric light bulb. He also founded the General Electric, according to the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

There are many like him in this generation destined for greatness, but held down by the fear of setbacks. 

Like David who encountered several setbacks, between when he was first anointed King by Samuel, and when he eventually ascended the throne of Israel, to become the greatest of the Kings in the history of Israel. 

Finally, as you take the bold steps on the way to greatness, l charge you therefore with the provision of Proverbs 28:1. The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. See you at the top. 

Prayer Points: 

1. You power of fear, over my life and destiny, hear the Word of the Lord, lose your grips and die,  in the name of Jesus.

2. Mantle of fear, over my potential for greatness, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

3. Arrows of fear fired into my life and destiny, jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

4. Powers! Using fear as weapons of attack against me and my household, you are wicked, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 

5. I receive divine boldness by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

6. By the Word of the Lord, l confront my fears by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

7. You the spirit of fear, operating as gate keepers, at the gates of my greatness, what are you doing? Fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 

8. I receive the boldness of Caleb and Joshua, to defeat the spirit of fear, in the name of Jesus. 

9. With the boldness of David upon my life, l confront and overcome every Goliath of fear, in the name of Jesus. 

10. You the Goliath of fear, attacking my potential for greatness, your time is up, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 

11. Chains of fear, hear the Word of the Lord, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Spiritual empowerment for greatness, my life is available, come upon me by fire, in the name of Jesus.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share. 

God bless 


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