This Is Your Spiritual Giant Leap, By A.K. Okuneye


You are welcome to this edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you and your household, for a refreshingly victorious experience daily, in His Presence.

Like Hannah, you too can prayerfully take maximum advantage of just one day, by making today your anticipated day of unusual transformation.

Hannah was a famous barren female Bible character, who reputedly went through days, weeks, months and years of expectation to overcome protracted situation which challenged the fruitfulness of her womb.

She was tagged a barren woman and was despised by her husband’s wife for her childlessness, until her day of unusual transformation manifested as an ordinary day like this, when she took a decisive and unusual action that led to her giant leap from barrenness into remarkable fruitfulness. 

Today, by the Word of the Lord, you are bidding your setbacks farewell, in Jesus name.

As just one day opened a chapter of victory and consistent Joy in the life of Hannah, this day is introducing life transforming experience in your home, in Jesus name.

In 1Samuel 1:5, it is written as follows: 

And Hannah answered and said, No, my Lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.

This is an opportunity for you to pour out your soul like Haman’s, before the Lord.

These prayers are for males and females, young and old putting on the uncomfortable shoes of the biblical Hannah in this generation, contending with barrenness in diverse areas of life, including the following: 

Breakthroughs barrenness

Financial barrenness

Lack of fruits of the body

Material barrenness

Spiritual barrenness

Wellness barrenness.

If Hannah could overcome years of unfruitfulness in just one memorable day like this, then your testimonies are next in line, in Jesus name. 

Today and not tomorrow, is your spiritual giant leap from every appearance of barrenness, into a life time of fruitfulness, in Jesus name.

These prayers will paralyze every arrow of unfruitfulness in your day and any wickedness delegated against you will backfire, in Jesus name. 

Declare these prayers with holy violence to derive maximum benefits, and the God that answers by fire, will answer you, in Jesus name. 

Be sure of your Salvation before you take these prayers, if you were unsure, you are at liberty to surrender yourself now, by accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Congratulations for embracing Salvation. 

Prayer Points: 

1. O Lord I thank you, for the wonderful opportunity to present my petitions before your throne of Grace today, in the name of Jesus. 

2. Like Hannah, l will see the end of every challenge confronting my fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus. 

3. You season of unfruitfulness in my life, today is your end, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

4. Thou power of God, arise by fire and terminate every unfruitfulness in my life, in the name of Jesus. 

5. As the Lord lives, from today, fruitfulness is replacing barrenness in my life permanently, in the name of Jesus. 

6. Every rage of unfruitfulness, in the spiritual atmosphere of my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

7. Clouds of barrenness over my finances, clear by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

8. Rivers of unfruitfulness, flowing in the garden of my life, your time is up, dry by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

9. Today, I take a spiritual giant leap from barrenness into remarkable fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus. 

10. Holy Ghost, arise and change my story by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

11. By the awesome power of God that changed the protracted situation of Hannah, my father change my situation today, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Thank you Lord, for answering my prayers speedily, in the name of Jesus.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share. 

God bless


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