Tragedy Of Challenging God, By A.K. Okuneye

Among the tragedies of life is the suicidal confrontation between man and his Maker. Man a mortal entity engaging the immortal God, who holds the power of life and death, in a duel. 

When a man becomes significantly important and comfortable, he challenges virtually everything and everyone in his sphere of influence, in order to assert his power and authority.  

Man was formed by God from the dust of the earth, but an appreciable level of comfort and pride obliterate his humble antecedents as a glorified dust with the breathe of life, who deems it fit to challenge God as indicated in Exodus 5:1-2, as follows:

And afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. 

And Pharaoh said, who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. 

Pharaoh was a great and comfortable ruler of Egypt, whose Kingdom was a Global super power of his time, however, comfort and pride beclouded his sense of reasoning, as a result a mortal entity bracingly challenged the immortal with unguarded and uncomplimentary statement. 

Who is that Pharaoh challenging your God? 

Contemporary Pharaohs include the following:

Principalities and powers 

Thrones and dominions 

Spiritual wickedness in high places


Rulers of darkness of this world 


Every opposition to God is a challenge against his power and authority, where the challenger is a mere mortal, the consequence is always a tragedy.

Declare this loud and clear: 

Powers! Challenging God in my life and family, your are liars, be eliminated by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

Beginning with the biblical Pharaoh and subsequent entities who challenged God, they all ended in humiliation and tragedy. This season, every power asking that who is your God, will be humiliated in defeat, in Jesus name.

In addition to the ten plaques that confounded Egypt, the Kingdoms’ war machines and best personnel perished at the red sea, as consequences of Pharaohs’ effrontery at challenging God. 

I decree by the Word of the Lord, all pursuers that followed you from January to October, will perish this month, in Jesus name. 

Similarly, in 1 Samuel 17, Goliath was motivated by his massive size and skills to challenge God, only to suffer humiliating defeat by the hands of unskilled and inexperienced David, propelled by God. 

Like Goliath, powers challenging your God this year, will encounter resounding defeat, in Jesus name. 

God is the same yesterday, today and forever, therefore, the things he did yesterday will be replicated today and forever. 

As those who challenged God yesterday like Pharaoh, ended in tragic humiliation, surely, similar fate awaits those who do the same now and forever. 

To avert the tragedy of challenging God, there are steps you must take namely: 

Total surrender to the Lordship Of Jesus Christ 

Embrace the Word 

Live a life of holiness 

Subscribe to the fear of God 

Prayerfully honor and Reverence God always. 

Your views and opinions are welcome at the section on comments. 

Kindly leave comments, follow and share.

Remain in the atmosphere of His Victory! 

God bless


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