12 Prevailing Prayers For July, By AKO


Beloved, you are welcome to July, a month that the Lord has made for you and your household to rejoice and be glad. The atmosphere of gladness and Joy in this new month, shall be visible and profoundly perfect in your homes, in Jesus name. As the fresh fire of Spiritual Warfare Engagement Series falls upon our faith and prayers for signs and wonders, everything about your households this month shall be perfected, in Jesus name.

By this Message and anointed Prayers, you shall takeover with power and this July shall obey your voices, in Jesus name. By your declarations of faith, every day and week this July, shall favor you and your households, in Jesus name. Surely, you and your household shall prevail over this month, in Jesus name.

Texts for the Message is taken from the book of Job 22:28:

★ Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

Every child of God with genuine desire to rejoice and be glad every new day, week, month or year that the Lord has made, must know how to walk through by the Words of faith.

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Are you walking by faith or by sight? Unfortunately, several Children of God elect to walk through time and seasons by sight, instead of faith, with the erroneous view that seeing is believing. Consequently, many become casualties of the new day, week, month or year.

The reason why the wicked is prevailing in the battle of life, lies in the fact that the victims took the Power in the Word for granted. I pray for you and your households, the Word of God in your mouths shall give you victory over this month, In Jesus name.

It Is a tragedy of life to embrace every new day, week, month or year with the natural senses. They are grossly inadequate and unreliable in the evaluation and handling of real issues of life, that require attention in times and seasons like this new Month.

The relevant Bible passage is Ephesians 6:12 below:

★ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

As Children of God, you ought to understand that every engagement with the above spiritual personalities daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, requires spiritual know how. One proven and effective spiritual strategy is the declaration of faith, as the book of Job recommends in chapter 22:28, above.

To prevail over this new Month and subsequent ones, you must takeover by declarations of faith. The wicked powers referred to above employ the power of negative declarations, such as incantations, enchantments and other dark decrees to capture time and seasons.

I pray for you, the time and seasons of your households shall be too hot to handle by the wicked, in Jesus name.

The biblical spiritual strategy to neutralize dark decrees and evil words, purportedly spoken to takeover your portions of daily, weekly, monthly or yearly benefits, is to counterattack by declarations of faith, to annul and overrule every dark Word.

Words like, I (my loved ones) shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord, or I (my household) dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide under the shadow of the almighty etc.

If the wicked was in the business of sowing evil seeds by their words, to capture the new month or year, then the children of God must also prayerfully uproot those evil seeds by declarations of faith, because it is written: In Matthew 15:13, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

The difference between those who shall go through this new month as observers or onlookers, on the one hand, and those who shall prevail and make profound impacts, is the willingness or otherwise in the School Of Prayer.

I pray for you, your households shall not fail in the School of prayer this Month, in Jesus name.

By these prayers, plantations of repeated adversities, afflictions, oppressions and setbacks in your new month shall be uprooted, in Jesus name.

All that is required of you at present is to activate your faith, by speaking prophetically into the spiritual atmosphere of the new month, to retrieve it from the wicked, as it written that nothing shall be Impossible to those who believe.

By these declarations, every dark decree hanging against you and your households in the atmosphere of this month, shall be overruled, in Jesus name.

These declarations shall disappoint dark conspiracies against your efforts this month, in Jesus name.

Bitter expectations of the wicked for your households this month, shall backfire sevenfold, in Jesus name.

Surely, your surplus testimonies this month shall surprise you and shock your friends and foes alike, in Jesus name.

To enjoy the maximum benefits of these declarations, there are steps you must take:

• Become a true Child of God

• Accept Jesus Christ as Lord

• Embrace the Word of God

• Make holiness a lifestyle

• Pray without ceasing


Lamentations 3:37

★ Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?

Prophetic Declarations:

1. My tongue is anointed with Power of authority from above, in Jesus name.

2. My household and I shall do uncommon exploits this month, In Jesus name.

3. Plantations of the Wicked in my new month, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. All evil Carryovers into my new month, be disappointed, in Jesus name.

5. I set ablaze all evil loads awaiting me and my household this month, in Jesus name.

6. Agenda of the wicked for my life and household this month, swallow the wicked, in Jesus name.

7. I takeover this new month for signs and wonders, in Jesus name.

8. My household takeover this new month for signs and wonders, in Jesus name.

9. Dark pregnancies against my household this Month are aborted, in Jesus name.

10. My household receive a Sevenfold grace for perfection this Month, in Jesus name.

11. Thou God of Perfection, visit my household this Month, in Jesus name.

12. O Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers, in Jesus name.

A Sevenfold Amen!


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share.

Surely, divine goodness and mercy shall abide with you always, in Jesus name.

Shout Halleluyah!


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