Prayers For Divine Touch Of Mercy And Compassion, By AKO

Beloved, our heavenly father is both merciful and compassionate. From generation to generation, he demonstrates these qualities in his interactions with his Children. The unmatchable love of God is the motivation for his mercy and compassion. 

Multiple challenges could be eliminated by the mercy and compassion of God, however, many in frantic searches for solution to challenges, by pass the altar of Mercy and compassion. 

In this month of Perfection, the place of divine Mercy and compassion can not be overemphasized. What some issues require to be perfected, is non other than a touch of Mercy and compassion of God.

Diligence, dynamism and resourcefulness are lofty qualities for every candidate of greatness. Nevertheless, a touch of Mercy and compassion will add unprecedented flavor of value to them. Some individuals possess these qualities, but lack commensurate rewards, a case of profitless diligence. 

From today, a touch of mercy and compassion of God shall connect your diligence to accelerated profits, in Jesus name

Texts for the message is Romans 9:15 -16. 

* For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.  

* So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

In his quest for healing, blind Bartimaeus approached the Lord for a touch of mercy, as recorded in Mark 10:46-52. He returned home with a huge testimony. A touch of Mercy and compassion of God shall open gates of testimonies to your homes, in Jesus name.

It was the touch of compassion and mercy that nominated Joseph for the exalted office in Egypt, an enslaved prisoner ended up on the throne. A touch of Mercy and compassion shall repackage you for dumbfounding greatness, in Jesus name.

Remember Esther, an exile and nonentity rode on the back of mercy and compassion to become a celebrity queen, in the land of her oppression. A touch of Mercy and compassion shall lift your household beyond every embargo and limitation, in Jesus name.

David was a shepherd boy, whose father excluded from the life transforming scheduled meeting with the man of God. He was written off by his own father, but the voice of divine mercy and compassion overruled the father, he was anointed King among his brethren. Wherever you have been written off, a touch of compassion and mercy shall include you and amplify your greatness, in Jesus name.

By these prayers, your testimonies shall attract and add Souls to the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name.

These prayers shall open undeniable Chapters of greatness in your homes, in Jesus name.

Surely, you shall Celebrate and be celebrated, in Jesus name.

Those who need these prayers:

* Every child of God that needs a change 

* Those who desire to disgrace long time yokes

* Those who are ready to go beyond the limits this month 

*. Those who need a touch of divine mercy for Perfection 

*. Those who desire to arise and shine this season 

To enjoy the maximum benefits of these prayers, embrace the conditions below:

Become a true child of God 

Accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord 

Develop daily appetite for the Word 

Live a life of holiness 

Pray without ceasing 


Mark 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Prayer Points:

1. My father, make me a worthy candidate of your compassion and mercy, in the name of Jesus.

2. Thou mercy of God, settle my case, in the name of Jesus.

3. Thou voice of divine mercy, arise and speak for me, in the name of Jesus.

4. Mercy of God, open heavens of great profits over the works of my hands, in the name of Jesus.

5. Mercy of God, connect me to opportunities for greatness, in the name of Jesus.

6.My father, satisfy me with mercy and compassion, in Jesus name.

7. O Lord I thank you for perfecting my life with mercy and compassion, in Jesus name.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share.

Surely, divine goodness and mercy shall abide with you always, in Jesus name.

Shout Halleluyah!


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