
Prayers For Divine Touch Of Mercy And Compassion, By AKO

Beloved, our heavenly father is both merciful and compassionate. From generation to generation, he demonstrates these qualities in his interactions with his Children. The unmatchable love of God is the motivation for his mercy and compassion.  Multiple challenges could be eliminated by the mercy and compassion of God, however, many in frantic searches for solution to challenges, by pass the altar of Mercy and compassion.  In this month of Perfection, the place of divine Mercy and compassion can not be overemphasized. What some issues require to be perfected, is non other than a touch of Mercy and compassion of God. Diligence, dynamism and resourcefulness are lofty qualities for every candidate of greatness. Nevertheless, a touch of Mercy and compassion will add unprecedented flavor of value to them. Some individuals possess these qualities, but lack commensurate rewards, a case of profitless diligence.  From today, a touch of mercy and compassion of God shall connect your diligence t

Prevailing Over Night And Day, By AKO

Beloved, on the face of the earth every living Soul has unavoidable regular encounter with both night and day. Conception and life birth of a child occur either during the day or at night. Similarly, death and burial of a deceased Soul, usually take place either at night or day. Great and tragic events also occur at either night or day.  Continue Reading: Click On The Link Below: !

Navigating The Week With Rod Of Prayers, By AKO

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding a source of strength and guidance is crucial... Continue Reading: Click On The Link Below:

12 Prevailing Prayers For July, By AKO

  Beloved, you are welcome to July, a month that the Lord has made for you and your household to rejoice and be glad. The atmosphere of gladness and Joy in this new month, shall be visible and profoundly perfect in your homes, in Jesus name. As the fresh fire of Spiritual Warfare Engagement Series falls upon our faith and prayers for signs and wonders, everything about your households this month shall be perfected, in Jesus name. By this Message and anointed Prayers, you shall takeover with power and this July shall obey your voices, in Jesus name. By your declarations of faith, every day and week this July, shall favor you and your households, in Jesus name. Surely, you and your household shall prevail over this month, in Jesus name. Texts for the Message is taken from the book of Job 22:28: ★ Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Every child of God with genuine desire to rejoice and be glad every new day, wee

12 Prayers For Grace And Perfection This Season, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome to July, the heart of summer, a month characterized by vibrant energy, warmth, and a sense of renewal. It is a time when nature is in full bloom, and the world seems to radiate life and vitality. In this context, the concept of "Grace For Perfection" takes on a profound meaning.  Grace, often associated with elegance, kindness, and divine favor, coupled with the pursuit of perfection, invites a contemplation of personal growth, balance, and the pursuit of excellence. This piece explores the intersection of grace and perfection in the month of July, reflecting on how these themes can inspire a journey of self-improvement and harmonious living.  For Secrets Of Healthy Long Life, click on the link below: The Essence of Grace: Grace is a multifaceted concept that encompasses both external and internal qualities. Externally, grace can be seen in the way one carries

The Power Of Praises, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to this edition of the weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week Series. Join me in the leap of faith, into every new week, with the assurance of spiritual safety and connection to the awesome Power in the Word, for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits. As you walk through this 25th Week of the year, Praises shall do the unusual in your household, in Jesus name. The text for the Week is Psalms 100:4 ★ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. The place of praise in our walk with the Lord, can not be overemphasized. Indeed, the very heart of our worship, is the art of praise. The Psalmist declares in Psalms 22:3 thus: • But thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of Israel. God inhabits the praises of his children, to provoke extraordinary manifestations. While other forms of Prayers ascend to heaven, for divine attenti

Power To Prevail Over Night And Day, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to this edition of the weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week Series. Join me in the leap of faith, into every new week, with the assurance of spiritual safety and connection to the awesome Power in the Word, for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits. As you sojourn through the 24th Week of the year, wicked Powers operating at night and/or by day, shall be disgraced in your household, in Jesus name. The text for the Week is Psalms 91:5 ★ Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day. On the face of the earth, every living Soul has unavoidable regular encounter, with both night and day. Conception and life birth of a child, occur either during the day or at night. Similarly, death and burial of a deceased Soul, usually take place either at night or day. Life and activities of mankind, revolve around these two essential concepts. The concepts of night and day

Dealing With Plantation Of Unfriendly Friends, By AKO

  Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to this edition of our weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week Series. Join me in the leap of faith, into every new week, with the assurance of safety and connection to the awesome Power in the Word, for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits. As you go through this 1 st Week of June and the 23 rd     Week of the year, your victory over rage of unfriendly friends, is guaranteed, in Jesus name. The text for the Week is Matthew 15:13, which declares: ·       But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. I pray for you and your household, every plant in the garden of your new month, that is not of God, shall be rooted out, in Jesus name. The mystery of evil plantations is a reality of life, that must not be ignored or denied, by wise children of God. Many unsuspecting individuals and families who treated this mystery with disdain or

Prevailing Prayers For Month Of June: Evil Plantation Must Fall, By AKO

  Beloved, you are welcome to this new Month, in Jesus name. This is the month that the Lord has made, you and your household shall dwell in the atmosphere of Joy, in Jesus name. In this Monthly Spiritual Warfare Engagement Series, declarations of faith are made, to facilitate a smooth spiritual takeover of the new month and all associated benefits. By this Message and anointed Prayers, this new month shall not prevail over your comfort, in Jesus name. At your command, the new month of June, shall favor you and your household, in Jesus name. Evil plantation of discomfort and disfavor in your month of June, shall be uprooted, in Jesus name. By your declarations of faith in these Prayers, every day of the week this new month, shall amplify the purpose of God for you and your household, in Jesus name. Surely, all evil agenda against the comfort and Joy of your household this June, shall fade away, in Jesus name. Indeed, evil plantation in your month of June, shall be uprooted, in Jesus

Grace For Hour Of Need, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is our weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week Series, which connect you with the awesome Power in the Word, that positions you and your household, for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits. As you go through this 22nd Week of the year, Grace from above, shall supply all your needs, in Jesus name. The text for the Week is Hebrews 4:16 ★ Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. In the journey of life, every second, minute, or hour presents a peculiar need or challenge, that requires grace to scale through. The innocent baby in the mother’s womb requires grace, to make it out alive and in good health, at the hour of birth. Similarly, as an adult, the pursuit of daily needs, such as feeding, sleeping and commuting to and fro, require grace to avert negative interference and unexpected occurrence. Many who reportedly

Showers Of Grace, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is our weekly Exhortation and Prayers, Takeover Your Week Series, which connect you to the awesome Power in the Word, that positions you and your household, for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits. As you go through this 21st Week of the year, the abiding Grace from above, shall preserve you and your household, in Jesus name. The text for the Week is Genesis 6:8 ★ But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Looking at the showers of Grace, it originates from the throne of Grace above, at the instance of our heavenly father, who holds the keys to unlock or shut the showers. In this respect like every other cause of action, he is unquestionable. I pray for you, the showers of Grace over this Week, shall not exclude your household, in Jesus name. The Lord is the sole and exclusive determinant of how, where and when these showers shall fall. Showers of Grace prepare you for multi facet divine visi