
The Prophetic Fallow Ground In This Dispensation 2, By Prophet (Dr) Paul O. Okuneye

Continuation from the first edition . The dominance of evil spiritual entities and operations in the realm of the spirit makes the existence of a vibrant and fire brand Prophetic Ministry a necessity in the present and future Christendom. It takes the Prophets to See or Hear beyond the natural realm dominated by the five senses. The reality of the powers and personalities referred to by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12, and their penchants to trigger evil plans of action secretly, requires the operations of the Prophetic Mantle to discover and abort prayerfully. A weak and powerless Prophetic Ministry populated by Prophets whose callings have become fallow grounds exposes the Church to the following:    • High risks of invasions by dark powers, occult, witchcraft and sorcery overtaking the Society including the Church. • Rising tides of demonism and Satanism making silent inroads into all segments of the Society including the Church. • False doctrines, teachings, perverted truths,

Fire Prayers For Divine Manifestation In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. Today’s focus is the concept of divine manifestation as indicated by the prophetic declaration in Isaiah 60:1 charging the children of God to arise, shine and manifest the light and glory of God.  It includes a wake up call to the children of God in spiritual slumber mode, without the awareness of ongoing activities in the spiritual atmosphere of the month and the process of prayerfully converting the prophecy into tangible testimonies this September. At present while others are basking in divine manifestations by testifying to the Glory of God for the harvests of fruitfulness this September, some children of God are yet to decide on the absolute necessity of deploying spiritual know how to connect to the fruitfulness embedded in the spiritual atmospher

Warfare Prayers For Dumbfounding Miracles In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. Today’s focus is the concept of dumbfounding miracles and how anointed warfare prayers for such miracles could provoke fruitfulness this September.  Dumbfounding miracles are most unusual and uncommon among the manifold miracles of the Lord.  They are jaw dropping and perplexing manifestations, that make both scientific and expert postulations stand on their heads.  Whenever they occurred logic hides its face in utter disbelief. They are extraordinary miracles of unusual proportions and unimaginable dimensions, as indicated in Genesis 17:17 & 21:5.  This September, you too could become a recipient of mind blowing miracles with dumbfounding proportions, if you are spiritually determined with these prayers.  These prayers are for:  • Those who know

The Prophetic Fallow Ground In This Dispensation By Prophet (Dr) Paul O. Okuneye

Welcome to excerpts from  Global Exploits Of A Missionary Prophet, by Prophet Paul O. Okuneye. A timely and relevant counsel to present and emerging leaders and Prophets in contemporary Christendom. What is a fallow ground?     Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, at page 888, column 1paragraph 3, describes a fallow ground as that which has been plowed but not sown; ground not in use; idle ground crusted over and harden, until it needs to be broken up again to receive the seed.  It equally refers to an unwilling and unyielding will or unbroken hearts of men, that are unable to receive the seeds of the Word of God. Indicating that without the willingness to receive and obey the Word of God, seeking (or serving) Him is a vanity, an effort in futility. Matthew Henry’s Commentary On The Whole Bible, at page 1175, column 1 paragraph 4, describes fallow ground in the context of Hosea 10:12 as follows: A heart filled with corrupt affections and lusts, representing weeds and thorns on the unu

9 Warfare Prayers Against Rods Of The Wicked In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. Today’s focus is the spiritual concept of Rods of the Wicked, their negative impacts on destiny fulfilment and steps to defeat them by warfare prayers this September. Rods of the Wicked are powerful instruments of diabolic warfare in the hands of the wicked, as the Bible acknowledged their capacity to accomplish supernatural occurrence in Exodus 7:11-12 as follows:  • Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.  Every rod of the enemy challenging God over your life and destiny, shall be disgraced this year, in Jesus name. In Psalm 125:3a, the Bible declares: 

Warfare Prayers For Success In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry.  Today’s focus is the spiritual concept of Outstanding Success and how to prayerfully obtain fruitfulness by it, this September.  One of the several spiritual ways to attain fruitfulness in life, is to enjoy regular access to outstanding success in your activities.  Outstanding success is only possible where there are comparative levels of success, such as the ordinary, extraordinary and outstanding levels.  A progressive movement exists between the various levels of success, affording opportunities to candidates of success to move from one level to another, in the order of precedence.  The parameters of dedication, determination and diligence, complemented by quality performance and divine favor, facilitate this inter levels movements.  In Genesis 26:1

Fire Prayers Against Non Achievement In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. Today’s fire prayers are directed against the spiritual concept of non achievement that militates against destiny fulfilment, human comfort and the manifestation of divine glory in the lives of the children of God. The concept of non achievement includes the following:  • Consistent failures  • Constant frustrations  • Embargoes on progress  • Financial emptiness  • Fruitless efforts  • Profitless hard work.  None of the above glorifies God, nor testifies to his all sufficient nature as the great provider who supplies our needs according to his glory by Christ Jesus.  The above characteristics of non achievement are complete negation of the testimonies of God regarding Creation, including mankind, in Genesis 1:31 as follows:  • And God saw every t

12 Fire Prayers For Prosperity This September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry.  Divine Providence manifests as wealth and prosperity in the lives of the children of God. It is the capacity and capability of God to supply the financial and other essential needs of his children according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.   Adam began his days at the garden of Eden in divine wealth and prosperity, as all his needs and that of his wife were met conveniently without stress. Several people in this September are believing God for fruitfulness in their financial and prosperity levels and these prayers are targeted at terminating hindrances and oppositions to prosperity and wealth acquisitions this month. Wealth and prosperity are profitable blessings from God to his obedient children. However, in extreme cases, to prove his universa

Fire Prayers Against Evil Altars In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. Today’s focus on fire prayers is the spiritual concept of evil altars, their negative impacts on purpose driven lives and how to prayerfully defeat them this September. Altars are designated locations of power, sacrifices, covenants and high spiritual traffic. They are places for deliberations, decisions and actions. There are two broad types of altars namely:  • Altars of God  • Evil altars  The nature of altars are determined by the power behind their activities, such as the power of God or that of Satan.  Similarly, altars are known by the name of the powers behind their spiritual exploits.  Marine altars, occult altars and witchcraft altars are notable examples of satanic altars. The scope of this message is the activities of evil altars, as indicated

12 Fire Prayers For Divine Favor In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry.  Today’s focus on fire prayers is the concept of divine favor, its positive impacts on the actualization of destiny and how to prayerfully enjoy those benefits this September, by means of targeted fire prayers.  Divine favor is akin to the process of extracting honey out of the rock, difficult as it is, but the reward is an adequate benefit. Favor of God usually brings out the best sweetness like honey, from every difficult situation. By these prayers, divine favor will provide uncommon solutions to difficult issues in this month and difficulties assigned to humiliate or embarrass you this September will surely turnaround to facilitate your fruitfulness, in Jesus name.  Divine favor is the supernatural  conversion of disadvantages into dumbfounding adva

12 Fire Prayers For September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry.  Today’s focus on fire prayers is the concept of violence in spiritual warfare engagements and how to prayerfully apply it for optimum benefits this September. In contemporary Christendom violence in spiritual warfare engagements is synonymous with the gospel of Matthew 11:12 where it is written as follows:  • And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent takes it by force.  Spiritual or holy violence is a legitimate biblical strategy in Spiritual warfare engagements. Like the physical warfare where hostilities involve acceptable legitimate aggression, spiritual warfare demands holy violence.  When your adversaries are hostile and lethal agents of darkness, deployment of weapons of fire with

Fire Prayers For Spiritual Immunization This Season By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. The focus of today’s prayers is the concept of spiritual immunization, its positive impacts on destiny fulfilment and how to prayerfully become a beneficiary this season. Like the natural diplomatic and executive immunities from criminal prosecutions enjoyed by members of the diplomatic corps and the executive political office holders, spiritual immunity excludes you from the rampaging rage of the wicked in every given time or season, including the present end of the year season.  Persistent fire prayers confer spiritual immunity on fervent and sincere children of God like Elijah, with the attendant testimonies, untouchability and victory over wicked powers and personalities, as indicated by the events recorded in 2 Kings 1: 9-14. While spiritual assailants are

21 Warfare Prayers Against Weapons Of The Enemy In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. The focus of today’s prayers is the spiritual concept of  Weapons of the Enemy, their negative impacts on destiny fulfilment, including access to fruitfulness and how to prayerfully overcome them this September.  The weapons of the enemy comprise of several devices of satanic warfare deployed by the wicked, to wreck unimaginable havoc on unsuspecting children of God in this season. They have effective and efficient capacities for passionate destructions of lives and valuables, like Haman's gallows constructed for the abortive execution of Mordecai and other Jews in exile. By the weapons of the enemy, buoyant, promising and thriving trades or businesses are closed down in the realms of the spirits with physical manifestations.  By the Word of the Lord, this Se

34 Hot Prayers Against Tragedy This Season By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. The focus of today’s prayers is the concept of tragedies associated with end of the year season and how to prayerfully avert them this season.  The Bible counsels believers to watch and pray in order to avert temptations, such as tragedies, disasters and calamities associated with the end of year season.  In the gospel of Matthew 26:41, it is written as follows:  • Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Do not allow the weak flesh to enlist you as candidates of tragedies and disasters associated with the end of the year season.  Everyone who desires victory over the rage of the wicked this season must pray with holy aggression to obtain victory by fire. PRAYER POINTS: Scripture: Psalm 91:10 Ther

21 Fire Prayers Against Poverty In September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

Welcome to a fresh edition of the inspired anointed Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare, Dr D.K. Olukoya, an anointed vessel with global mantle in Deliverance Ministry. The focus of today’s prayers is the spiritual concept of poverty, its negative impacts on destiny fulfilment and how to prayerfully overcome it this month.  The cloud of poverty like other forms of satanic oppression is activated by the wicked, over every season or time whether old or new, therefore, this season is not an exemption. That is why these prayers are essentially relevant at this period of September, to eliminate every appearance of poverty delegated against unsuspecting children of God.  These prayers are for the following people: • People who desire to part ways with poverty • People who desire to expel poverty from their lives • People who desire divine mantle of prosperity. If you belonged to any of the above class of people, then pray with h

21 Prophetic Declarations For September By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  Today’s focus is the Prophetic Mantle for fruitfulness and victory by declarative utterances of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice anointed to set the captives free and deliver the oppressed. These prophetic declarations are for those who desire to fulfill divine mandates in this new month.  September is still fresh and it is most appropriate to speak prophetically to the womb of the new month, in order to takeover the Spiritual atmosphere of the month by fire.  The Lord has ordained the power of life and death in our tongues, by extension in our mouths. In Job 22:28, it is written: • For thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. As you takeover this September prophetically, surely, the light of God will shine upon your ways, in Jesus name.   Prophecy is a release of supernatural power by God through the mouth of a mortal man, to gene