
This Is Your Spiritual Giant Leap, By A.K. Okuneye

  You are welcome to this edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you and your household, for a refreshingly victorious experience daily, in His Presence. Like Hannah, you too can prayerfully take maximum advantage of just one day, by making today your anticipated day of unusual transformation. Hannah was a famous barren female Bible character, who reputedly went through days, weeks, months and years of expectation to overcome protracted situation which challenged the fruitfulness of her womb. She was tagged a barren woman and was despised by her husband’s wife for her childlessness, until her day of unusual transformation manifested as an ordinary day like this, when she took a decisive and unusual action that led to her giant leap from barrenness into remarkable fruitfulness.  Today, by the Word of the Lord, you are bidding your setbacks farewell, in Jesus name. As just one day opened

21 Warfare Prayers Against Anti Harvest Forces, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of Warfare Prayers in October, from the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These are specially selected prayers for those who desire to defeat anti harvest forces this season.  To encounter the anointing for victory over harvest destroyers, you will pray with holy aggression to claim victory by fire, over the rage of the wicked this season.  If you desire unfettered access to the awesome power of God in the spiritual atmosphere of this season, then this is an ample opportunity to prayerfully speak into the womb of the season.  By these prayers, your access to dumbfounding victories over harvest destroyers and wasters is guaranteed this season.  These prayers will position you as conquerors of all strategies deployed by the wicked, to wreck  havoc against the harvests of unsuspecting children of God this season. Surely, the God of Elij

Fire Prayers Against Evil Arrows In This Day, By A.K. Okuneye

  You are welcome to this edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you and your household, for a refreshingly victorious experience daily, in His Presence. Each day is crucial and significant in the quest for destiny fulfilment and access to daily opportunities, with the attendant blessings.  The wicked, unlike the children of God, has a clear understanding of this process, hence, the daily release of evil arrows that fly by day and night, targeting unsuspecting children of God.  It is a spiritual risk to abandon your day to chance, without taking responsibility prayerfully to secure it and take absolute charge. When you allowed arrows of the wicked in the spiritual atmosphere of your day unchallenged, either or all the following may occur, unless you intercept them by fire prayers like these: • Disappointment • Emptiness  • Failure • Financial setbacks • Incurable diseases •

Prevailing Prayers Against Wrath This Day, By A.K. Okuneye

  Welcome to a fresh edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you for a refreshingly victorious experience everyday, in His Presence. Each day manifests a reasonable quantum of wrath, with the fearful capacity to swallow without trace any mortal in its path.  Many embraced the day without anticipation of the inherent wrath embedded in therein, let alone prayerfully to prepare with spiritual warfare engagements strategies like these prayers.  Did you know that today’s wrath will swallow several unsuspecting innocent souls?  Did you know that several persons globally left home daily only to end at the morgues? Everyday is made up of two sides, namely, opportunities and troubles which were usually taken for granted by many at their peril. A poignant biblical illustration of the two sides of a day is stated in 1Samuel 4:19-20 as follows: • And his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, was wi

Treasure Of Divine Opportunities, By A.K. Okuneye

  Welcome to a fresh edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you for a refreshingly victorious experience in His Presence. Each day you find yourself among the living like today, is a spiritual treasure of multiple divine opportunities for advancement, greatness and victorious life. Every journey to greatness had its origin in a day like this.  By the decree of heaven, you will not miss the day of life transforming encounter, in Jesus name.  Everyday is laden with destiny fulfilment opportunities, ordained by God for his children among the living. Indeed, each day is an opportunity for new beginning in the quest for a refreshingly victorious life, in the land of the living.  Antecedents of great Bible figures reveal the following:  • The encounter that birthed the reputed greatness of Abraham began in a day, as indicated in Genesis 12:1. Today, the voice of God is ushering you into a r

Takeover Your Day: Divine Benefits And Your Day, By A.K. Okuneye

Welcome to the maiden edition of Takeover Your Day, a combination of daily exhortations and Prayers from the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit to position you for a refreshing and victorious experience always, in His Presence. Whatsoever you make of your day will determine your week, month or year. A fruitful and victorious daily experience is a pointer to similar experience weekly, monthly or yearly. Indeed, a wasted day is a forerunner of a wasted week, month and year respectively.   There are wicked spiritual forces delegated by the kingdom of darkness, to waste the days of mortals since a wasted time is a wasted destiny. To collaborate with them is a tactical and tragic spiritual error, with damning consequences.  In view of the above, exhortations and Prayers like these are required to enable you enter each day with adequate spiritual vigor and fervency, as significant stakeholders and not onlookers, while daily blessings are being shared and possessed by living souls.  God

Tragedy Of Challenging God, By A.K. Okuneye

Among the tragedies of life is the suicidal confrontation between man and his Maker. Man a mortal entity engaging the immortal God, who holds the power of life and death, in a duel.  When a man becomes significantly important and comfortable, he challenges virtually everything and everyone in his sphere of influence, in order to assert his power and authority.   Man was formed by God from the dust of the earth, but an appreciable level of comfort and pride obliterate his humble antecedents as a glorified dust with the breathe of life, who deems it fit to challenge God as indicated in Exodus 5:1-2, as follows: • And afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.  • And Pharaoh said, who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.  Pharaoh was a great and comfortable ruler of Egypt, whose Kingdom was a Globa

Prevailing Prayers Against Spirit Of Fear, By A.K. Okuneye

  The Vine's Concise Dictionary Of The Bible, at page 132, described fear as follows:  • Anxiety  • To be afraid  • To dread  • To be scared • To be terrified  Comparatively, according to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, at page 562, fear includes the following:  • A natural emotional response, to a real or imagined state of affairs, perceived as actual or constructive threats, to security, safety or general welfare of a person or group. • State of anxiety  • State of awe  • State of terror  • State of worry  Words associated with fear in the Old Testament, appeared 435 times, while similar words in the New Testament, occurred 146 times. Altogether, words conveying the concept of fear in the Bible, appeared 581 times.  As an emotional phenomenon, fear has two sides to it, the positive and the negative aspects. On the positive side, is the fear of God, that promotes submission and true repentance.   The negative aspect on the other hand is discouraged by

36 Fire Prayers For Spiritual Immunization This October, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

You are welcome to a fresh edition of Fire Prayers in October, taken from the plethora of Prayers by the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These are Spirit led prayers for those who desire victorious life in October, 2020.  To encounter the anointing for resounding victory by these prayers, you need holy aggression to claim victory by fire over the wickedness of the wicked in October.  To demonstrate the awesome Power of God flowing in the spiritual atmosphere of this month, you must prayerfully speak into the womb of October.  By these prayers, spectacular victories over the wisdom and projections of the wicked are guaranteed this month.  These prayers will boost your spiritual immunity against the weapons of the wicked, deployed to wreck grievous havoc on the harmless children of God this month. By these prayers, the God of Elijah will arise and fight your battles by fire, in Jesus

21 Warfare Prayers Against Death Traps In October, By Dr D.K. Olukoyas

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of Warfare Prayers in October, through the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These are specially selected prayers for those who desire to outlive this October, 2020.  To encounter the anointing for victory over death traps, you will pray with holy aggression to claim victory by fire, over the wickedness of the wicked in October.  If you desire unfettered access to the awesome power of God in the spiritual atmosphere of this month, then this is an ample opportunity to prayerfully speak into the womb of October.  By these prayers, your access to dumbfounding victories over death traps is guaranteed this month.  These prayers will empower you to conquer all traps of death deployed by the wicked, to wreck unimaginable havoc against unsuspecting children of God this month. Surely, the God of Elijah will arise and fight your battles by fir

21 Warfare Prayers For Victory In October, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of Warfare Prayers in October, through the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These prayers were specially selected for those who desire victorious lives in October.  To partake of the anointing for victory, you must pray with holy violence to overcome the wickedness of the wicked this month.  If you desire access to the overwhelming power of God to conquer evil in October, then this is an opportunity to prayerfully speak to the womb of the month.  By these prayers, your access to outstanding victory is guaranteed this month.  These prayers will equip and position you as spiritual terrors, against the camp of the wicked this month. Surely, the God of Elijah will answer and fight your battles by fire, in Jesus name.    Confession: Jeremiah 1:12: "Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform

Warfare Prayers For Divine Favor In October, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

You are welcome to a fresh edition of Warfare Prayers, as we connect to the Prophetic Mantle for divine economy and victory in October, through the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These prayers were carefully selected for those who desire to plug into the socket of Divine favor in October.  To derive maximum benefits from these prayers, you must pray with holy violence to activate your testimonies by fire.  If you desire unlimited access to the blessings in the spiritual atmosphere of October, then this is an opportunity to prayerfully speak to the womb of the month.  By these prayers, you will not be denied access to divine benefits this month.  These prayers will promote your access to blessings by divine favor this month, in Jesus name. Surely, the God of Elijah will answer you by fire, in Jesus name.    Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 2   Confession: Psalm 138:8 PRAYE

21 Fire Prayers For Surplus Favor In October, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of fire prayers, as we connect to the Prophetic Mantle for divine economy and victory in October, through the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These prayers were carefully selected for those who desire surplus favor in October.  To enjoy the oil of divine economy upon this new month, you must pray with holy aggression to eliminate every opposition to your testimonies.  If you desire unrestrained access to the blessings in the spiritual atmosphere of this month, then this is a pleasant opportunity to prayerfully speak to the womb of the month.  By these prayers, you will not be hindered from access to divine benefits in this new month.  These prayers will facilitate your access to surplus favor this new month, in Jesus name. Surely, the God of Elijah will answer you by fire, in Jesus name.    PRAISE WORSHIP:  SCRIPTURE READING – Esth

33 Fire Prayers For Uncommon Breakthroughs In October, By Dr D.K. Olukoya

  You are welcome to a fresh edition of fire prayers, as we connect to the Prophetic Mantle for divine economy and victory, through the Prayers of the servant of God and human inspiration behind the Institute Of Spiritual Warfare Dr D.K. Olukoya, a global voice in Deliverance Ministry.  These prayers were carefully selected for those who desire uncommon breakthroughs this new month.  To enjoy the oil of divine economy upon this month, you must pray with holy aggression to eliminate every opposition to your expectations.  If you desire access to the blessings in the spiritual atmosphere of this season, then this is a golden opportunity to speak to the womb of this month.  By these prayers you can not be excluded from divine benefits in this new month.  These prayers will ensure your access to spectacular breakthroughs this new month, in Jesus name. Surely, the God of Elijah will answer you by fire, in Jesus name.    Praise Worship: Scripture reading: 1 Kings 18; Confession: Psalm 138:8